BaseDAO invests into the IBC + ETH ecosystems. We try to be based.

BaseDAO is a collective of well connected, crypto-native entrepreneurs holding leadership positions in reputable projects. Because of that, we are all busy af. However, if you need to get connected to someone we know, boy will we shill you in the intro. full promise. Oh, also, we are open to lead your round too.

What is based?

Urban Dictionary defines based as “a word used when you agree with something; or when you want to recognize someone for being themselves, i.e. courageous and unique or not caring what others think. Especially common in online political slang.”

We like to define it as something that is objectively right, true and cool though may not yet be perceived as such by the general population.

Not drinking soda - based

Eating seed oils - not based

Investing into IBC + ETH - based

Investing in Cardano & EOS - not based

Who are we?

We are a bunch of dudes who have worked on, ran, or founded multiple projects in the industry that aim to democratise access to the next frontier of the internet & finance. We consist of mainly doxed, though some anon members of the crypto community.

Why is your website so ugly?

Thats not very based of you

Our History

We were bored and realized that the word based is underused (not based) and wanted to poke fun at some investors that are trying their hardest to make you believe they would let you sleep with their girlfriend if it would help your project. We also wanted to create something our investments & we can flex with - a based DAO. Because you either get it or you don’t.
